Onboarding Checklist: To Do’s and Don’ts

Sanjay is a software engineer with a US multinational company that specializes in software as a service. He has been with the company for four years, which is a notable achievement given the current trend of employees frequently changing jobs. Despite his success, he is seeking a new challenge and has applied for external positions. He has received four offers and is undecided about which one to accept, as all of them are equally attractive. He is also concerned about how his career will progress if he makes the calculated decision to leave his current job while he is doing well.

Recently, Sanjay learned that his friend regretted accepting a job offer based solely on the promise of higher compensation and a more senior title. His friend was surprised to discover that his actual take-home pay was lower than his previous job, even though the total compensation offered was much higher. Additionally, while the position offered sounded like a promotion, he was actually placed in a much lower position in the company hierarchy.

In light of his friend’s experience, Sanjay is carefully considering all of the factors involved in making a decision about his next job. He is focused on finding a position that will provide him with the opportunity to grow and develop his skills, while also offering a competitive compensation package and a positive work environment.

Whether you’re in Sanjay’s shoes or preparing for a new role, the below checklist will guide you through the essential do’s and don’ts to ensure a seamless onboarding experience.

Before Accepting the Offer

Discuss the employment offer in detail with the recruiter and get your queries clarified beyond doubt before you formally accept the offer. You may even request your recruiter to share the details in writing if required.

  • CTC Breakdown: Request a detailed breakdown of the compensation structure, including basic pay, allowances, insurance benefits, and retirement benefits. Obtain an estimate of your monthly take-home salary.
  • Contract Nature: Clarify if the position is permanent or under a fixed-term contract. Inquire about probation periods, if applicable.
  • Joining Bonus: Discuss the terms and conditions related to joining bonuses, including potential recovery in case of early resignation.
  • Designation and Organizational Placement: Seek clarity on your job grade and designation’s placement within the organizational hierarchy. Ensure it aligns with your career aspirations.
  • Appraisal and Increment Cycle: Understand the appraisal cycle, pay revision eligibility, and factors affecting variable pay. Inquire about the frequency and criteria for promotions within the organization.
  • Prompt Communication: Acknowledge the received offer and respond within the stipulated timeframe, whether accepting or declining. Prompt communication reflects professionalism and fosters a positive impression.

Having made a thoughtful decision, Sanjay is now prepared to accept one of the four offers he received. He seeks guidance from the “Resignation Checklist: Do’s and Don’ts” to navigate the process of resigning from his current employer. As he sets his sights on his new journey, he begins to strategize for his upcoming role, aiming for a transition that will be both enjoyable and unforgettable.

After Accepting the Offer

  • Attend Orientations: Participate in orientation sessions led by HR, IT, facilities, and administration to understand company policies and processes.
  • Policy Familiarization: Learn about policies related to payroll, attendance, leave, and performance management.
  • Data Accuracy: Verify your employment and education records in the HR portal for accuracy.
  • Transfer of Retiral Benefits: If applicable, initiate the transfer of retiral savings and benefits from the previous to the new employer within stipulated timelines. For instance, 401(k) and Individual Retirement Account (IRA) in USA and Provident Fund (PF) and Employee Pension Fund (EPS) in India.
  • Build relationships: It is important to connect well with your manager and team to understand your roles and responsibilities. Within a month from the date of joining, you should be in a position to have written goals to work on for the upcoming quarters. Apart from your team, try to know the important interaction points for your role and try meeting them in person in the initial months.

Mindful Considerations

  • Avoid Hasty Changes: Refrain from implementing drastic changes in your new role immediately. Build trust and familiarity with the team and organization’s culture before introducing significant alterations.
  • Realistic Expectations: Set achievable expectations for yourself. Overburdening yourself may lead to burnout and unrealistic standards.
  • Patience and Adaptability: Embrace the learning curve and be patient as you adapt to the new culture and challenges. Avoid forming conclusions too early and give it time to grow on you.

In Sanjay’s case, his careful choice and thorough understanding of the new opportunity equipped him to embark on a new chapter in his career journey. By adhering to these do’s and don’ts, you can ensure a smooth transition, establish a positive impression, and set yourself up for long-term success.

Remember, each career step is a valuable learning experience, and even if challenges arise, they contribute to your growth and resilience. As you move forward, approach each new role with an open mind and the willingness to adapt and excel.

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